Date and Time
Thursday Dec 2, 2021
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM CST
Thursday, December 2
HES Sing at 5:30 on Park St
Tree-Lighting at the gazebo in Square @ 6:00 pm
Parade beings at Douglas Park on Church Street @ 6:30 pm
Line-up begins at 4:45 at Douglas Park, 312 E. Main St., The parade leaves the park on Church Street and winds around the downtown square, down South Main St. to King St., Cleveland St. and ends on Sporman St. at the school parking lot, 8 Sporman St.
Free to public. $10 parade entry.
The City of Headland will light the Christmas tree at the gazebo at 6:00pm on the downtown square. The Grand Marshal, Ms. Beulah Morgan will lead the parade through the downtown area followed by bands, floats, queens, dignitaries, horses, Santa Claus and CornDodgers Farm's candy cannon. The parade line-up will be at Douglas Park starting at 4:45pm. The Christmas Parade is sponsored by the Headland Area Chamber of Commerce, City of Headland and Express Employment Professionals. Participants need to complete and return an entry form to the Chamber office by Tuesday, November 23. Entry fee is $10. For more information, contact the Chamber at 334-693-3303, or email
Download the Application
Learn More About our Grand Marshal Ms. Beulah Morgan
She moved to Henry County from Mobile, Alabama, in 1963 to marry the love of her life, the late Charles David Morgan.
He was a proud peanut farmer and pork producer for many years. To this day, she lives on and maintains the farm he left behind to her.
The Lord blessed them with two wonderful children, Charles Glenn Morgan and Stephanie Morgan Blankenship.
Since then, He further blessed them with four grandchildren, Morgan and Tyler Blankenship; and Lillie and Jackson Morgan. Just when she thought her heart could not be filled any further with love, the Lord brought into her life two great-grandchildren that proved to be the delight of her life, Anna and Obidiah Blankenship.
Her life has been overflowing with love and family, including a wonderful daughter-in-law, Carol Morgan; a grand-daughter-in-law Courtney Blankenship; and a soon-to-be grand-son-in-law, Cody Johnson.
For Ms. Beulah, her family is everything. She is thankful to the Lord for every moment He has given her to love and be loved by them. Each one of them enrich her life and bring her a joy that is beyond words.
The second great joy of her life was serving the community through the Henry County School System. She had the honor and privilege for working for the Henry County Board of Education for 37 years, where she began as a substitute and finished her long career as a bookkeeper.
She loved her job and continues to be thankful for all of the people who touched her heart in so many ways while working there. She always made an effort to treat every child the way she would want her own children and grandchildren treated in every situation.
She once heard a story that became a constant reminder every day she went to work at the school. It was the story of the young boy who walked along the beach casting starfish back into the water. A man came upon the boy and saw that he had an overwhelming task as the beach was filled with starfish in need of help. When the man commented on the boy’s undertaking, the boy told him… I may not be able to save them all, but I can make a difference for this one. She firmly believes that there is no higher calling than to make a difference in the life of a child.
Ms. Beulah’s personal recognitions from her time with the Henry County Board of Education includes:
Elected Support Personnel of the Year for the Central Office in 1994
Elected Support Personnel of the Year for Headland High School in 1996
Received her certification for Child Nutrition in 1996
Received several awards and certificates from the state and local AEA
Member of NEA, AEA, Henry County retired teachers association
She retired from the school system after 37 years of service in 2007.
She also serves on the Henry County Historical Group and the Board of Directors of Balkum Cemetery Corporation as Secretary and Treasurer.
In addition, she has been an active member of Balkum Baptist Church for 58 years. She counts her church family among one of the most beautiful gifts the Lord has ever given her. They are a second family and a source of love, support, friendship, and encouragement.
She feels blessed by God to have been a citizen of Henry County for 58 years. In her opinion, we have beautiful churches to worship in, a wonderful town and merchants where we can do our shopping, great banks where we can do our banking, recreational parks that serve our families, the very best educational system possible for our children, but… what makes Henry County truly wonderful are the people who live here.
She would like to thank the City of Headland and the Headland Chamber of Commerce for the great honor and privilege of being the parade Marshal today. As she always says, life is not about the number of breaths you take but about the moments that take your breath away. This day was indeed a moment that took her breath away. She is proud to represent the City of Headland and prays that each of you are blessed by the Lord with the family, friendship, and community that she has been these last 58 years. She sends her love to each and every one of you and thanks you for being part of this moment with her.